I've always been a fan of finish line photos since make nice souvenirs from your race (if you're willing to pay for them). At the Colonial Beach Triathlon, the race organizers apparently decided against finish line photos and instead opted for video clips. I never realized how revealing it is to look at your own running technique via video. The nice thing about this setup is that you can also look at other videos from faster runners (see the winner here) to see how their technique differs from your own.
I was actually pretty happy with my form at the end of the run considering how slow I always feel. The big things that I noticed when I compared my video to the overall winner's video are:
1. Cadence: I generally try to maintain a cadence of around 90 strides/minute, but that typically drops as I get fatigued. The winner looked to have a cadence closer to 95 strides/minute and that makes a big difference over any distance (~25 sec/mi).
2. Movement Range: The other big difference that I noticed was hip movement range. The winner looked like he had much more hip flexion and extension than I did. I know that tight muscles much a significant contribution to reduced range of motion, so I'm hoping to get more time of the foam roller to loosen those puppies up.
HURT100, long run, lots to say...
5 years ago