Somehow, almost 16 weeks have gone by since I began training for IM Louisville and now there are only 8 weeks left until race day. Ahhhhhhhhhh! I can definitely say that training has paid off and now I actually feel like completing the race will be possible. As a practice for August, I recently completed Eagleman 70.3 in Cambridge, MD (full race report to be posted soon) on what was an unseasonably hot day. Since then, I've just been chugging along with my training and really trying to focus on my run. At this point, I'm satisfied with my swim and biking endurance and I think that I could complete those legs of the Ironman, albeit slowly, at my current level of fitness. After a disappointing run at Eagleman, I had to assess what was going wrong with the run component of my training and came up with the following problems which I'll discuss in my next post.
1. Technique
2. Hydration
3. Recovery
4. Focus
HURT100, long run, lots to say...
5 years ago